KidsKlub COVID19 Protocols

  • By enrolling your child to Kids Klub, you agree to these Health and Safety Protocols

    That you, a family member or a close contact has -

    • Not had a positive Covid-19 test or are currently awaiting Covid-19 test results.

    • Not got the following symptoms. Fever, new cough, new breathlessness, sore throat, cold symptoms, runny nose, loss of sense of smell.

    • Not been in close contact with a probably, or confirmed, COVID -19 case in the last 14 days.

    • Not been asked to quarantine/self-isolate over the past 14 days.

    • Not been at a location of interest in the last 14 days and has been identified as a contact by public health officials.

    That if your child is unwell, you will not bring them to Kids Klub. They will then need to get tested for COVID-19 and can only attend once they have received a negative test.

    From 13th December all parents or whānau doing student pick-ups and drop-offs cannot enter the Glenfield Primary School Hall. MSD rules dictate that “Sign ins and outs should be done in an outdoor environment where face coverings must be worn, and physical distancing measures retained.” Our sign in and out area will be in the entrance to the hall with only one client (family) entering at a time. Social distancing protocols will be followed.

    If parents wish to speak to a supervisor, they must phone 027 284 5376 and the supervisor will meet you outside.

    Please use the NZ COVID Tracer app to make a record of your visit. The entrance will have a clearly visible NZ COVID Tracer QR code for you to scan when you arrive. We will also have a manual sign-in sheet for those who need it.

    Children at higher risk of severe illness must remain home where possible.

    All our staff will be fully vaccinated for the protection of your whānau and our team. At the current Covid 19 Protection Framework all employees will also be required to return a negative COVID-19 test result, that has been administered within the last five days, before they return to work. If there were any staff who were not fully vaccinated, in the period leading up to 1 January 2022, they would also be required to undergo weekly COVID-19 testing until they have had two vaccinations.

    From 1 January 2022, Kids Klub will maintain a register and ensure only vaccinated staff and support people have contact with your children. This does not apply to parents or whānau undertaking student pick-ups and drop-offs.

    We must also request from every enrolled student over the age of 12 years their Covid-19 vaccination status. This will be recorded as:

    Fully vaccinated if the student has had two doses of a Covid19 vaccine: or

    Partially vaccinated if the student has received one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine: or

    Medically exempt from vaccinations; or

    Unvaccinated if the student has had no vaccinations or has not disclosed their vaccine status.

    When a student’s vaccination status changes we must be advised, as soon as practicable, so that we can update our register.

    All children year 4 and over are required to wear a mask while inside*. While it may be tempting to remove your mask when outdoors, we ask that you please keep it on at all times - except when eating or drinking or you are playing sports or engaging in recreational activities outdoors. Staff will be monitoring this and will have spare masks on hand if they become lost or damaged.

    *If your child is medically exempt from wearing a mask, please inform us of this when you arrive. Evidence of this will need to be supplied.

    All workers must wear a medical-grade mask (for example a Type IIR / Level 2 masks or above, including the widely available ‘blue’ surgical mask) while working at our Out of School Programmes. This new requirement impacts on kaimahi (staff) who are covered by the Government’s Health and Education Vaccination Mandates.

    Students will wash their hands or sanitise on entry to school, before eating and after play. All children should also sanitise their hands before leaving for the day.

    Good hand hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette will be followed.

    Children will be asked not to share food.

    High-touch surfaces will be cleaned and regularly disinfected each day.

    Playgrounds can be used however limited numbers, and cleaning between groups, will take place.

    Students will be encouraged to remain 1m apart inside and 2m apart outside.

    Tables will be arranged so that students are sitting 1m apart inside as much as possible.

    Students must be grouped into individual areas with a maximum of 20 students per area. This will probably be done in ages and/or schools, but siblings will stay together. Where there are multiple groupings, the groups must maintain1m distancing from each other indoors.

    Windows and doors will be open whenever possible for improved airflow.

    Students will be kept separate from other people who may enter, or walk through, the school grounds.

  • By enrolling your child to Kids Klub, you agree to these Health and Safety Protocols

    That you, a family member or a close contact has -

    • Not had a recent positive Covid-19 test or are currently awaiting Covid-19 test results.

    • Not got the following symptoms. Fever, new cough, new breathlessness, sore throat, cold symptoms, runny nose, loss of sense of smell.

    • Not been in close contact with a probably, or confirmed, COVID -19 case in the last 14 days.

    • Not been asked to quarantine/self-isolate over the past 14 days.

    • Not been at a location of interest in the last 14 days and has been identified as a contact by public health officials.

    That if your child is unwell, you will not bring them to Kids Klub. They will then need to get tested for COVID-19 and can only attend once they have received a negative test.

    Unfortunately, parents or whānau doing student pick-ups and drop-offs still cannot enter the Glenfield Primary School Hall. MSD rules dictate that “Sign ins and outs should be done in an outdoor environment where face coverings must be worn, and physical distancing measures retained.” Our sign in and out area will be in the entrance to the hall with only one client (family) entering at a time. Social distancing protocols will be followed.

    If parents wish to speak to a supervisor, they must phone 027 284 5376 and the supervisor will meet you outside.

    Please use the NZ COVID Tracer app to make a record of your visit. The entrance will have a clearly visible NZ COVID Tracer QR code for you to scan when you arrive. We will also have a manual sign-in sheet for those who need it.

    Children at higher risk of severe illness must remain home where possible.

    All our staff will be fully vaccinated for the protection of your whānau and our team. At the current Covid 19 Protection Framework all employees were required to return a negative COVID-19 test result, that has been administered within the last five days, before they returned to work. If there were any staff who were not fully vaccinated, in the period leading up to 1 January 2022, they would also be required to undergo weekly COVID-19 testing until they have had two vaccinations.

    From 1 January 2022, Kids Klub will maintain a register and ensure only vaccinated staff and support people have contact with your children. This does not apply to parents or whānau undertaking student pick-ups and drop-offs.

    We must also request from every enrolled student, over the age of 12 years, their Covid-19 vaccination status. This will be recorded as:

    Fully vaccinated if the student has had two doses of a Covid19 vaccine: or

    Partially vaccinated if the student has received one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine: or

    Medically exempt from vaccinations; or

    Unvaccinated if the student has had no vaccinations or has not disclosed their vaccine status.

    When a student’s vaccination status changes we must be advised, as soon as practicable, so that we can update our register.

    Face coverings are encouraged but not required indoors for staff and children at OSCAR programmes.

    If wearing a mask staff must wear a medical-grade mask (for example a Type IIR / Level 2 masks or above, including the widely available ‘blue’ surgical mask) while working at our Out of School Programmes. This new requirement impacts on kaimahi (staff) who are covered by the Government’s Health and Education Vaccination Mandates.

    Face coverings are required on all bus trips for staff and children aged 12yrs and over.

    Good hand hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette will be followed.

    Children will be asked not to share food.

    High-touch surfaces will be cleaned and regularly disinfected each day.

    Playgrounds can be used however good hygiene protocols will take place.

    Physical distancing for students is not required however we still recommend 1m for staff

    Windows and doors will be open whenever possible for improved airflow.

    Students will be kept separate from other people who may enter, or walk through, the school grounds as much as possible.